Usually one would begin with an introduction…
A typical freshman page would have an introductory feel wherein I tell you a little bit about where I have come from, what I do, or what I am about, and where I’m going.
That kind of first is exactly the type of page that is large enough it may as well be my roadblock forever… (If not eternity, it has at least proven a significant enough obstruction for the past few years.) I despise writing “about me’s”, so in lieu of fixating on that and actually spinning my thoughts into words, I have decided to tell you why I am choosing to write.
I have been reading and researching “blog how-to” and “blog 101” articles off and on for a while now. I have also been avoiding writing due to those findings largely because I don’t have a particular topic I want to stick with, I don’t have one particular thing I want to share or teach you, and I certainly don’t bake passionately enough to create recipes or write you an essay about scones.
If you know me in real life, you know that I am not the most adept verbal communicator. I am working on it. Writing however has been a mode of expression that for me, is unparalleled. I have no problem writing what is on my mind and my heart and the words come much more easily from my hands than my mouth.
¡Bienvenido a mi blog!
It may be helpful for you to know that I am a certified fitness professional going on my 10th year, I coach fitness coaches, I am a former youth soccer coach of 11yrs, lover of travel and outdoors, and I am in the fitness/lifestyle modeling world too. Oh, and I may use sarcasm and bad words sometimes. 🙊
My topics will likely be from any of those realms and maybe even musings of my travels past and future.
It is my sincere hope that my words somehow add value to your life be it in the form of perspective, information, inspiration, or merely entertainment.